Thursday 28 February 2008

Pay for Reading?

A row has kicked off in Spain because children might be paid to read books. If the plan goes ahead, kids in the town of Noblejas will be paid one euro an hour for reading or studying in the library!

But what do YOU think of this idea?

Should children be paid to read?

Thursday 7 February 2008

Are you compatible with...?

Click here and write your name and date of birth to know who you are compatible with.

Saint Valentine

Going Steady

Valentine, Oh, Valentine
I'll be your love and you'll be mine.
We'll care for each other, rain or fine,
and in 90 years we'll be 99.

by Ian Serraillier

Do you dare to write a poem? And a love poem? Why don't you reward us with a short poem?


Hey kids!

What did you do at the weekend?
Did you celebrate Carnival?
Did you diguise?